Friday, May 26, 2017

Self evaluation for students (according to Mineduc)

These are the questions for self-evaluation that are at the end of each unit from the English workbook from 5° básica:

Unit 1 
Now, I can...
  • Listen and undersatnd rhymes, songs and dialogs about colors, numbers and days of the week.
  • Read and understand songs and rhymes about colors, numbers, days fo the week and school list.
  • Use colors related to colors, days of the week and numbers 1-10.
  • Describe objects using colors, and numbers.
  • Express the position of an object.
  • Play "Simonsays" with my friends using commands.
  • Respect and appreciate people from other nationalities. 
Unit 2
Now, I can...
  • Listen and understand rhymes, songs and dialogs about food, preferences, parts of the body and a story about Raul.
  • Listen and understand rhymes, songs and dialogs about food, preferences, parts of the body, a recipe and a personal presentation.
  • Use words related to food, parts of the body, family, actions and parts of the day.
  • Express preferences, age and an introduction.
  •  Play a guessing game with my friends using objects, and colors.
  • Ne responsible for nature and what I eat.
Unit 3
Now, I can...
  • Listen and understand rhymes, songs and dialogs about the weather, parts of the body, seasons, needs, and continous actions.
  • Read and understand rhymes, songs, and dialogs about the weather, parts of the body, seasons, and continous actions, descriptions and a story about Anita.
  • Use words about personal descriptions, the weather, parts of the body, seasons.
  • Describe the weather and personal appearance.
  • Play the spider game with my friends using categories.
  • Help people in need and be resposible for nature.
Unit 4
Now, I can...
  • Listen and understand rhymes, songs and dialogs about birthdays, celebrations, landmarks, possesions and means of transportation.
  • Read and understand rhymes, songs, and dialogs about birthdays, celebrations, landmarks, possesions and means of transportation, a brochure and a story about Jim.
  • Use words related to birthdays, celebrations, landmarks, possessions and means of transportation.
  • Describe celebrations and landmarks.
  • Express possession, ability and the time.
  • Respect and appreciate my own and other cultures.

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