Friday, May 26, 2017

The best way to start a class! / Warm-up activities

The warming up or warm-up activities have the objective to introduce the topic of the class or/and just to catch the students’ attention, in order to activate their energy and motivation. (All these warm-up activities are perfect for students from 5°básico)

  • Warm-up 1:

Topic: Let’s play
Level: A1

Objective: To catch the students’ attention.
Activity: Warm-up: Let’s count!
Procedure: The students will practice the numbers from 1 to 10, because they are still in a basic level and could be difficult for them to use the numbers above ten. First the will have to be in a circle and I will ask to somebody start counting from 1 and the classmate that will be by her/his side will continue with the numerical series. If some of them commit a mistake, we will start since the number one again. This warm-up will serve as the introduction of the topic.
Materials: None.
Interaction pattern: T-S
Time: 5 min.
Skills: Speaking and listening.
  • Warm-up 2:

Topic: I don’t understand
Level: A1

Objective: To catch the students’ attention.
Activity: Warm-up: Create the correct sentence.
Procedure: Firstly, I will make two teams, the half and half of the students. Then, I will write two different sentences one in a paper of blue color, it will say: "I love my dog" and the other one written in a red colored paper will say: "I love my rabbit". I will cut the sentences into words and I will hide the words in different parts of the classroom, so they will have to find them first. The two letters missing from each sentence are going to be stuck on the whiteboard, but there are going to be one extra word that will be wrong and the students have to make the correct sentence.
Materials: Paper sheets and adhesive tape.
Interaction pattern: T-S
Time: 5 min.
Skills: Speaking and reading.
  • Warm-up 3:

Topic: I’m hungry!
Level: A1

Objective: To catch the students’ attention, with a warm-up that will serve as the intro of the topic from the class.
Activity: Warm-up: Guess the word.
Procedure: I will make small teams with the same number of students each one, because I will read a short description of a fruit that they have to guess, of course, the first team to say the right fruit will have one point. The words that they have to write have to be with food. For example, I will read the next description: “A green fruit with a brown skin and black seeds”, so they should say the name of the fruit which is: Kiwi. (I will read four or five more, depending if I have more time to do it)
Materials: None
Interaction pattern: T-S
Time: 5 min.
Skills: Speaking and listening.
  • Warm-up 4:

Topic: Clap your hands
Level: A1

Objective: To catch the students’ attention, with a warm-up that will serve as the intro of the topic of the class.
Activity: Warm-up: Simon says
Procedure: During the class the students would be learning  some parts of the body, so during this warm up I will ask them to jump, clap or move some parts of their body, saying: “Simon says rise your hands”, of course, I will model while I say what they have to do.
Materials: None
Interaction pattern: T-S
Time: 5 min.
Skills: Writing and listening.
  • Warm-up 5:

Topic: Let’s remember
Level: A1

Objective: To catch the students’ attention, with a warm-up that will serve as the intro of the topic of the class.
Activity: Warm-up: What is this?
Procedure: I will create a PPT with some pictures of different things that they already saw in the past classes, such as; fruits, parts of the body, numbers, etc. First I will make small teams and then I will start the PPT and the first team who say the correct name of what they saw in the slide will win one point. At the end the team with more point will win candies for each one of the members from it.
Materials: PPT, projector, computer and candies.
Interaction pattern: T-S, S-T, SS-SS
Time: 5 min.
Skills: Speaking, reading and listening.

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